Designing and validating a clinical decision support algorithm for diabetic nephroprotection in older patients

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Older patients with diabetic kidney disease (DKD) often do not receive optimal pharmacological treatment. Current clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) do not incorporate the concept of personalised care. Clinical decision support (CDS) algorithms that consider both evidence and personalised care to improve patient outcomes can improve the care of older adults. The aim of this research is to design and validate a CDS algorithm for prescribing renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system inhibitors (RAASi) for older patients with diabetes.


The design of the CDS tool included the following phases: (1) gathering evidence from systematic reviews and meta-analyses of randomised clinical trials to determine the number needed to treat (NNT) and time-to-benefit (TTB) values applicable to our target population for use in the algorithm. (2) Building a list of potential cases that addressed different prescribing scenarios (starting, adding or switching to RAASi). (3) Reviewing relevant guidelines and extracting all recommendations related to prescribing RAASi for DKD. (4) Matching NNT and TTB with specific clinical cases. (5) Validating the CDS algorithm using Delphi technique.


We created a CDS algorithm that covered 15 possible scenarios and we generated 36 personalised and nine general recommendations based on the calculated and matched NNT and TTB values and considering the patient’s life expectancy and functional capacity. The algorithm was validated by experts in three rounds of Delphi study.


We designed an evidence-informed CDS algorithm that integrates considerations often overlooked in CPGs. The next steps include testing the CDS algorithm in a clinical trial.

Alsalemi, N., Sadowski, C., Elftouh, N., Kilpatrick, K., Houle, S., Leclerc, S., Fernandez, N., Lafrance, J.-P.

Alsalemi, N., Sadowski, C., Elftouh, N., Kilpatrick, K., Houle, S., Leclerc, S., Fernandez, N., Lafrance, J.-P.

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